WI PAY TIP OF THE DAY – Let’s get into the 21st Century!!

Back in “the day” payroll checks were calculated using the infamous green ledger sheets and cash or handwritten checks were delivered to the employees on payday. This was ok until you realized you had a sneaky employee who mastered “doctoring” their check and wha-la their $1000 check is now a $1800 check.

Say hello to Paymaster!

And now it’s time to get into the 21st Century with Direct Deposit.

As an employer why direct deposit?  So glad you asked!

  1.  No more checks run through the washer so no more stopping payment on checks and no more cutting replacement checks.
  2. No more “I have to leave work early so I can get my check into the bank before 2.”
  3.  Employees can log into their bank account and see their pay – usually in the wee hours of the morning of payday – even before they get to work.
  4. Funds are available immediately – employees no longer must wait for the check to clear in order to access their pay.
  5. Even if your employees are off on payday – they still get paid – with no hoops for you to jump though.
  6. Your bank account information is more secure, as pay stubs for direct deposit do not include the employer’s bank account number.
  7. Your employees can distribute funds to multiple accounts to help with their budgeting and implement a savings strategy.
  8. Entering your payroll is now done with one entry rather than entering and waiting for multiple checks to clear – saves on bookkeeping time.
  9. With direct deposit, you can also have employee self-services.  No more worries about employees seeing other employees’ checks and finally
  10. You’re helping the environment!

If you are a Wisconsin employer, you can require employees to be paid via Direct Deposit.  If you have an employee who does not have a bank account – no worries, we have Pay Cards – which are debit cards that we load their pay onto. It is time.

Through hard work and perseverance, I’ve gone from living paycheck to paycheck – to living direct deposit to direct deposit.